CV / Timeline - Timo T. Hyrsylä


1976 May 9

Birth @Ypäjä.

1976 - 1983

Carefree childhood @Ypäjä.

1983 - 1992

Primary Schools @Ypäjä. Personal hardware: C64, C128D, i386SX and onward...

1992 - 1995

Secondary School @Linikkalan Lukio, Forssa.

1996 Jan - 1996 Sep

Military service, private @VSITR, Turku.

1996 - 2002

University Grade, MSc, Software Engineering @TUT, Tampere. Personal coding-projects: Couple small Borland Delphi created games..

2000 - present

Employment, Software Designer @Tampere. (2000-2006) Plenware Oy, (2006-2013) maximatecc/CrossControl Oy, (2014-) M-Files Oy - Work task history so far: Earlier career was mainly; embedded and desktop Linux solutions, C/C++. Distribution creation, driver porting and platform design. Lately more on; Windows application and library design and implementation, Architecture, C# and C/C++. Other more or less visited keywords (Unexclusive): Python, CSS, HTML, Bash, SQL, QT, Win32, MS Office, Aspose, Visual Studio, Emacs, Vi, Notepad++, K-Develop, OpenOffice, Subversion, Git, Putty, Apache, IIS, Javascript, Architecture, Design, Documentation, Implementation, IT Support, Meetings, Specification, Testing. Personal web-projects: KaTVe (one sorts of "" 2000-2003), Telkku Tuner ( addon 2010-2016), TPT (PokerClock 2007-), (lunchlistmenu 2011-2021) Red Domino (board/puzzle game 2014-) Morpion Solitaire (pen&paper game 2015-) .

Sales pitch

Diligent worker enjoying also the minor details and still understanding the large picture, when sees it interesting. Not too serious. Gets his kicks from success' of all levels; from nice one liner to death of nasty bug or global design revelation. Flaws: Prefers work over idling at (customer) meetings. Hates broken promises, and misused time.

Persona summary

Mostly harmless. Fun: dry, pun, Monty Python, Mr Bean. Music: Electronic - strange - very hard rock. Sports: Generally no. Self: volleyball, biking, (floorball, darts, pool). Politics: Zero interest. Religion: Confirmed but resigned due irrelevancy. Family: Kirsi + 1 cat. Entertainment: Comedy - action - scifi.


xxx, 33980 Pirkkala phone://0400 ??? 002 email://<etunimi> (limited visibility)